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A Co-buyer's Special Offer

A Co-buyer's Special Offer





Home Addressed is about to launch a challenge to first time buyers who are feeling a little deflated about achieving home ownership. Keep a close eye on the Home Addressed website as all will be revealed but in a nutshell the challenge will set you on a quest to find a co-buying partner on this site and team up to buy your first house TOGETHER in 30 days!


Three co-home owner couples who take up the challenge will be in the running to receive some great incentive packages to make their journey into home ownership considerably easier. Stay tuned to find out what we have put together and what you need to do to reclaim your dream of home ownership!


Details of the launch will be announced on the Today Show Channel 9.

Make a real difference to your life!
Home Addressed is so excited at the prospect of finding you a way into your own home. We'll keep working for you!