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Holly and Christina talk co-buying

Holly and Christina talk about co-buying property. They explore the benefits and discuss the anxieties that come with such a venture. It's an informative video that hopefully will answer a few of your questions and help to clarify many issues surrounding co-buying property.
The key is to approach this venture as a business proposition: be clear about what you want to achieve, a time frame in which you would like to achieve it and a contract that protects yours and your co-buyer's interests. Think about your exit strategy; do you want this for the short term or are you in it for the long haul? Make sure you discuss these   considerations with your partner and keep the communication constant and clear and most of all...don't be put off the idea of co-buying because someone said it's a bad idea.
Do your own research and due diligence, explore this website for information and come along to our events when we hold them. Your future is in your hands; the decisions you make today will determine your tomorrow.



Holly and Christina talk co-buying